Level 3 consultancy is often required in the industrial sector, when inspection technicians are not able to deal with complex issues. In such cases, the support of people with wide-ranging experience and knowledge might be the only option to find a suitable solution to a problem.
Additionally, training for non-destructive testing technicians can only be effective if it is carried out by qualified people who can guarantee proper training on the specific method.
Site support either in presence or remotely is a key factor to achieve reliable inspection services results when the technicians are in process of gaining experience or when exceptional technical problems arise.
Preparation and/or revision of procedure and technical guidelines related to a testing method is highly important to guarantee the proper execution of the inspection. These documents can only be prepared by highly qualified and experienced personnel. Omnia Integrity can currently support you with Level 3s in the field of ACFM, Guided Waves and Acoustic Emission.